The Legionnaires / Continuity Notes: Mon-El
Mon-El, aka Lar Gand of Daxam, aka Valor, M'Onel. Created by Robert Bernstein and George Papp.
Mon-El's history has become like... ever see a cartoon where someone's trying to fix a leaky pipe? Water is spurting out from one part, so the guy fixes that, and the water starts shooting out from somewhere else. So he fixes that, and two more places start spraying… I'm overstating. There were times when Mon-El made sense, for a little while, but this is not one of those times. Let's clear all that out of the way first, and then go into why he's such a great character.
When Mon first appeared, it was in a Superboy story in the Silver Age. He was a super-powered amnesiac, and he and Superboy became convinced that Mon was Superboy's big brother from Krypton. Turned out, he wasn't: he was a guy from Daxam who had visited Krypton once. And Daxamites have the same deal that Kryptonians do: they get super-powers when they come to Earth. The only difference is that Kryptonians are vulnerable to kryptonite, which is rare, and they get better when the kryptonite is taken away, while Daxamites are vulnerable to lead, which is common, and they keep getting sicker even if the lead is taken away. Mon gets exposed to some lead, so Superboy has to send him to the Phantom Zone until he can find a cure for him.
Mon-El next appears in a Legion story. The Legion is in trouble, so they let Mon-El out of the Phantom Zone and whip up a temporary cure for him. He helps out, joins the Legion as a reserve member until they can find a permanent cure, and returns to the Zone. Eventually they do find a permanent cure and let him out again, and he becomes a full member.
Already we have some problems if we choose to think about them.
First, if Mon-El is still in the Zone after ten centuries, then that means that Superman failed to find a cure for him during his life. Which is fine, but generally in the Silver Age they didn't like to have Superman fail at stuff.
But: Superboy knows that Mon-El is still in the Zone after ten centuries, because he meets him again in the future! So either he knows that he can't find a cure, or he figures he shouldn't find a cure. To make the future come out right, see? He doesn't even take the cure that the Legion comes up with and take it back in time with him to spare Mon-El a thousand years of insubstantial purple tedium! He doesn’t even tell Mon-El that he’s going to have to wait a thousand years! Should he have?
(One thing that happens sometimes is that, in pre-Crisis Superman stories involving the Phantom Zone, you'll see Mon-El make a cameo appearance, just hanging out there in the Zone, waiting for the 30th century to happen... (in particular, see the four-issue miniseries The Phantom Zone, from about 1980, for an example of this. I had three of the four issues of this when I was little and they blew me away).)
Anyway. Mon-El remains a Legionnaire in good standing throughout the run of the Silver Age Legion, even becoming leader at one point. And it's all very straightforward until we get to Crisis on Infinite Earths.
With Crisis on Infinite Earths comes the Pocket Universe, and this is where the cracks start to appear in Mon-El's history. Because the Pocket Universe retcon says that the Superboy who joined the Legion was a creation of the Time Trapper in this pocket universe... so, was Mon-El also from this pocket universe? He first met Superboy in the 20th century, after all. But what about the Phantom Zone miniseries, just one of many times that Mon-El interacted with Superman? I don't think the comics ever resolved this point one way or another. The Trapper said he was, but certainly Mon didn't seem to regard himself as a pocket universe creation.
After the Pocket Universe story, a secret cabal of Legionnaires vowed to take revenge on the Time Trapper, including Mon-El. Mon-El was seriously wounded in the final battle with the Trapper, though, and eventually died of his injuries. Apparently.
Early in the Five Years Later stories, Mon-El wakes up. Take your pick: either he was too tough to die completely, or the Time Trapper revived him. The Trapper was almost dead too, but left a little cutting of himself alive in Mon-El, which he could do because Mon was one of his tools, thanks to the pocket universe thing. The Trapper and Mon-El fought: the Trapper wanted Mon-El to help him return to power, because if he didn't, Mordru would take over the universe. Mon-El wasn't going for that, though, and destroyed the Trapper.
This caused the Trapper's manipulations to disappear, all of them, and the universe reverted to a default state in which Mordru ruled over a Legionless 30th century, just like the Trapper said would happen. An ambitious and magically gifted member of Mordru's harem, Glorith, tried to redo what the Trapper had done and set herself up in the Trapper's place, and mostly succeeded: she reset the universe to almost how it had been when the Trapper was around. The biggest difference was that Mon-El had been substituted for Superboy.
(I'm leaving out all the Eltro Gand stuff, because as far as I can tell, it's just a detail that makes things more complicated without actually getting us anywhere. Eltro Gand was a relative of Mon-El’s who… never mind, never mind, I’m leaving it out.)
In this new history, Lar Gand was called 'Valor'. He was a Daxamite who became an interstellar hero (and had his own comic!) in the 20th century after DC's Invasion crossover event; he helped settlers get to a bunch of different planets and was known as the 'Seeder of Worlds'. As such, he was the shining 20th-century example that inspired the Legion, just like Superboy did pre-Crisis. He never met Superman as a boy; instead, he was cast into the Phantom Zone by 20th-century Glorith, who was mad at him for not wanting to rule the galaxy at her side. And the Legion let him out of the Zone in the 30th century just like before. Most of Valor's history as a Legionnaire matches Mon-El's, although you kind of have to convert some things; his death at the hands of the Time Trapper is altered to a different kind of confrontation with Glorith, for instance.
This was fine for a while, but then it just gets insanely complicated as the three Legion titles (Legion of Super-Heroes, Legionnaires, Valor) approached Zero Hour and the 'End of an Era' storyline. I think the way it worked was that Glorith accidentally killed Valor in the 20th century, and had to shift the one from the SW6 batch in Legionnaires out of the 30th century so that he could fill the original Valor's role, but then that didn't quite work, and time fell apart and the Legion was rebooted. But there may be more to it than that.
Now we're into the reboot. Valor's history as a 20th-century hero seemed to be left more or less intact by the reboot, as far as I can tell. He was still the Seeder of Worlds. Then there was a storyline where he met Superboy (that's Kon-El, not Kal-El) and ended up in the Phantom Zone with lead poisoning; funny how that works. The Legion came back to the 20th century to find him and ended up letting him out in the 30th. But he was such a legendary guy that he had to go by 'M'Onel' in the 30th century or billions of people all over the galaxy would be flipping out. So that was actually fairly straightforward.
Then we had the threeboot. In Infinite Crisis it became clear that the reboot Legion was still out there somewhere, and presumably M'Onel was there with them. That's fine. But: just recently there was a story in the Action Comics annual about how Superman met Mon-El when he was a kid, and had to put him in the Phantom Zone. This guy is not the same as the Valor who Kon-El met and who joined the reboot Legion, but he does seem to be the same as the guy who joined the threeboot Legion during the Dominator storyline. So that still makes sense.
But! Then we met the 2x+unboot Legion in the JLA/JSA crossover 'The Lightning Saga'. And we see Superman's Legion statues, showing the 2x+unboot Legion, including Mon-El.
Too many Mon-Els! Which Mon-El did Superman meet in his youth, the 2x+unboot Mon-El or the threeboot Mon-El? And where did the other one come from? (Or are they both the same? And if they are, how does that work?) And, while we're at it, are Valor's 20th/21st-century exploits still in continuity on the main DC Earth, and if so, where did that guy go? To wherever the reboot Legion is now?
This is one of those deals where I don't have any answers; I can just identify the questions. If there's going to be another DC Nation panel at some convention anytime soon, maybe someone could ask the panel to clear this up. Please?
Mon-El is many things. He's a quiet guy and didn't really take to leadership when he was in charge of the Legion. The original Mon-El/Valor had a long-term relationship with Shadow Lass that eventually became a marriage; subsequent versions of the character have been single. The thing he most likes to do is explore space; this has been true for all versions of the character ('M'Onel' is supposed to mean 'traveler' in Martian), and it's one reason why he's often absent from the Legion (which is handy for Legion writers, as he's so powerful that they must want to be able to leave him offscreen every now and then).
He’s supposed to be as powerful as Superboy. Technically that’s true, but with some adjustments:
- he’s not vulnerable to kryptonite, which means he’s more powerful than Superboy
- he’s vulnerable to lead, which is much more common than kryptonite, which means he’s less powerful than Superboy
- he has an anti-lead serum, which blocks his lead vulnerability, which means he’s more powerful than Superboy
- the anti-lead serum sometimes fails, or something, which means he’s less powerful than Superboy
Plus, let’s face it. Superboy is SUPERBOY. He’s Superman as a boy. He is, as has been noted, the greatest hero of them all. Therefore, he’s greater than Mon-El, regardless of who’s supposed to be more powerful or not.
There are some comic-book superheroes who stand apart, in my mind, as being particularly noble and incorruptible in character. Now, almost all superheroes are moral paragons, regardless of how conflicted or whatever they are. But to me there are some who are even more so. I don’t have a definitive list; I was trying to think of one the other day and was dissatisfied with it. The demographics of who I came up with were sufficiently incomplete that I just don’t think I’ve thought it through well enough. But I know that Superman, Captain America, Captain Marvel and Uncle Sam would have to be on such a list of paladins, and so would Mon-El. (I believe I’d add Wonder Woman and Michael Holt and Jaime Reyes and John Henry Irons, and there must be some more female characters who would fit, but stap my vitals if I can pick any out in particular.)
So I think Mon-El’s signature moment was the time he killed a guy and destroyed the universe.

(LSH4 #4.) Doesn’t sound noble, until you think about it: for Mon, the Time Trapper isn’t a person so much as he’s a force of entropy; if you kill him, is it murder or experimental physics? Plus, to give in to the Trapper’s arguments (i.e. that unless he co-operated with the Trapper, Mordru would conquer everything) is to despair. Mon-El won’t accept that such a compromise is the best solution. Instead, he destroys the Trapper, because at heart this solitary traveler is a Legionnaire, and when you’re a Legionnaire you know one thing for sure: there are always other good people around whom you can trust to carry on.
Labels: Continuity Notes, Legion of Super-Heroes, The Legionnaires
Two quick comments regarding Silver Age Superboy's leaving Mon-el in the Phantom Zone until the 30th century:
A) Silver Age DC had an iron-clad rule that you could not change history. It wasn't physically possible. See, for exapmle, Superboy #85, where he tried and failed to save Abraham Lincoln. So if "fate" had Mon-El trapped in the PZ for a millennium, there was nothing Superboy could do to change it.
B) Saturn Girl used to partially wipe Superboy's memory when he left to go back to the "past," so he wouldn't take knowledge of his future, Supergirl, the death of his parents, etc with him. In all likelihood this would include the fate of Mon-El...
One extra point you may have overlooked:
Mon-El gets put into the Zone by Superboy...then a relatively short time later, who shows up in Smallville but a group of Legionnaires including Mon-El from one thousand years in the future fleeing from Mordru. Mon-El-in-the-Zone at this point realizes there's good news and there's bad news: yes, that whole lead poisoning thing will be sorted out...but it's going to take a real long time.
Superboy and Mon-El probably avoided discussing this because they knew it would be a very awkward conversation: "Hey, Clark, don't knock yourself out working on that lead poisioning cure. Apparently there's no rush..."
Great piece. I've always had a soft spot for Mon-El/Valor. I actually think his potential as a character was best explored in the Valor series, which focused on the struggle of a guy trying to live up to a legend.
Two quick comments:
"he helped settlers get to a bunch of different planets and was known as the 'Seeder of Worlds'. As such, he was the shining 20th-century example that inspired the Legion, just like Superboy did pre-Crisis."
I honestly liked the way that Glorith set this up far more than the Time Trapper "pocket universe" scheme. From what I remember, when Ultra Boy was trying out for the Legion, he was supposed to engage in a treasure hunt for artifacts throughout time (I think). He goes into the time machine, and gets shunted to the wrong place, catching the attention of Valor, who then comes to rescue him. As Valor is doing so, he [Valor] finds out about the Dominator conspiracy for a second invasion, and that they have kidnapped large groups of humans to experiment on. Valor destroys their bases, and frees the humans. In order to prevent this from ever happening again, he seeded a perimeter of worlds around the Dominator homeworld with the altered humans to serve as an early watch system. These humans became the progenitors of the Legion races. I always thought that was really cool.
"This was fine for a while, but then it just gets insanely complicated as the three Legion titles (Legion of Super-Heroes, Legionnaires, Valor) approached Zero Hour and the 'End of an Era' storyline. I think the way it worked was that Glorith accidentally killed Valor in the 20th century, and had to shift the one from the SW6 batch in Legionnaires out of the 30th century so that he could fill the original Valor's role, but then that didn't quite work, and time fell apart and the Legion was rebooted. But there may be more to it than that."
I think that the Glorith thing happened because time was in the middle of falling apart.
Indeed - the first half of the Valor series happened post-Zero Hour, but the DoA/End of an Era half didn't. Instead, that's where he Seeded the Worlds (without Ultra Boy of any stripe).
Soon after that (perhaps even during) he ended up with lead poisoning, ended up on Earth getting played, and finally sent into the Stasis Zone by Superboy (Kon).
So the seeding the worlds thing happened post-Zero Hour too? Was it for the same reason?
snell, RAB: Perfectly good explanations. Note, though, that they're coming from you guys and not from an actual Legion comic. It makes me feel a little silly when I realize we pay more attention to some of this stuff than DC does.
But the feeling soon passes.
jamaal, Reboot: Thanks.
I assumed the seeding-of-worlds happened post-Zero Hour, and for the same reason... I was out of comics at the time, but Invasion and all that were still in continuity, right?
All of Valor's 20th century pre-DoA appearances which didn't involve Glorithverse Legionnaires were still in-continuity post-Zero Hour.
I thought that Byrne's revamp showed that Mon-El crossed over from the regular universe into the Pocket Universe.
And no, the Pocket Universe "resolved" the Legion's history but all of the time travel to Superman's time was disregarded (including the JLA/JSA/LSH teamup, the Composite Superman, etc.)
Ironic that the post-Crisis Mon-El killed the Time Trapper, when in the Glorithverse time frame the Time Trapper was Cosmic Boy.
See, I often say that I'd like the original Legion history picked back up circa 'End of an Era', but what I really mean when I say that is that I want a cleaned-up version of that history picked back up. Or at least one in which we can ignore a lot of the nonsense we were obliged to swallow.
A few quick (and somewhat nitpicky) corrections and clarifications.
1. Your first paragraph implies that Mon-El's second appearance was fighting Urthlo (Adventure # 300), but he had actually appeared a few times before that, such as in Adv. # 293.
2. Mon-El served two terms as Legion leader. The first began in Action # 392, and the second in Superboy # 190.
3. (re: snell) Originally, it was Supergirl who post-hypnotized Superboy into forgetting his future, not Saturn Girl. In the Silver Age, there was an established "rule" that only a Kryptonian could hypnotize another Kryptonian. This was forgotten by post-Silver Age writers, who erroneously attributed the mind-wiping to Saturn Girl.
I enjoyed reading the article, Matthew, particularly your insight as to why Mon-El is so valuable a character to many of us.
Sadly, we do pay more attention to some of this stuff than DC does. Except...
Part of the constant rejiggering of DC continuity post-Crisis just seems as obseesive and pointless as any of us "obsessed" fans.
"OK, Wonder Woman was a founding member of the JLA. OK, now she wasn't. OK, now she was again." At some point you just want to grab Dan DiDio or whoever and scream "Who cares??!!" And as they approach their umpteenth attempt to make sense out of Donna Troy, you want to ask "Do we really need a 52-issue maxi-series and spinoffs just for this?!?"
But...but at least that shows someone at DC cares,and is a passionate advocate for those characters. That's what's been sadly lacking for our beloved Legion, I think. They so rarely crossover with the "contemporary" DC universe that relatively few writers and editors have ever woprked with them, compared to other franchises. And that's why, often, the Legion reboots come across as sort of a shrug, a corporate mandate to "freshen," rather than a desire to "get it right." Other retcons, they just take it as read, and continue on. The Legion? Complete reboot, and start over from story #1.
That's why about 5% of me is excited about Johns' 2x-unboot Legion (FYI, the latest Previews again bills their upcoming Action apperance as "the return of the original Legion"). At least that shows that someone at DC actually *cares* about one of the Legion incarnations, even if we already know they're going to get some stuff wrong.
HWW: Thanks.
snell: I think part of the problem is that the Legion does have a potentially strong advocate at DC. His name's Paul Levitz. Unfortunately, he's in such a position of responsibility that he doesn't speak up for the Legion much because he (quite properly) doesn't want to be seen as playing favourites. And so nothing much gets done.
Great post, Matthew! I just wanted to add something to this:
"The Legion is in trouble, so they let Mon-El out of the Phantom Zone and whip up a temporary cure for him. "
Yes, that would be Saturn Girl who whips up that temporary cure - not Superboy, not Brainiac 5. That story is one of my all time faves, because Imra gets the job DONE.
I agree in the sense that it shows Saturn Girl, a strong character, to her best advantage.
But, really, her using her telepathy to figure out a cure for a Daxamite's lead poisoning is a lot like Bouncing Boy using his super-bouncing power to figure out a cure for a Daxamite's lead poisoning. It's one of those it's-the-silver-age-just-go-with-it kinds of things.
I started reading Legion during the Giffen 5 Years Later run where they were dealing with the aftermath of Crisis, and Valor/Mon-El always appealed to me in that series. I even liked the reboot "M'Onel", and always wished they would deal a little more with the people who worshipped Valor as a god.
Yeah, me too... and then it turned out that some people, including Cosmic Boy of all people, worshiped Kon-El, also of all people. Why, when you've already got Valor?
generally in the Silver Age they didn't like to have Superman fail at stuff.
Wrong. Superman having a set of famous failures is just as mythic as anything else in the Weisinger edifice.
In particular, Superman failed to save his parents (either set) or Krypton; failed to enlarge Kandor*; failed to save Mon-El.
*Until mid-Bronze Age.
and then it turned out that some people, including Cosmic Boy of all people, worshiped Kon-El, also of all people. Why, when you've already got Valor?
Yeah, that sort of came out of nowhere. I remember wondering why Abnett went in that direction. *shrug*
Greg: I stand corrected.
Rigil: Well, you know. When it comes to the Legion, DC just can't help but keep pressing that Super-button.
To this day, I cringe upon reading the Ultra Boy-centric V4 annual where Tom Biernbaum takes a lot of the credit for the development of the whole "The Legion ONLY exists because the Time Trapper made it so! Ultra Boy was the only Legionnaires smart enough to figure it out! Glorith killing Daxamites! BWEEEE!" and related concepts. THEN they tack on the lines about Eltro Gand in an already revamp-heavy annual...and an AFTERTHOUGHT.
No wonder that was the point my younger siblings stopped asking to read my Legion comics.
No, I don't miss that era at all
Although that was a great take on Ultra Boy.
the legion as for quality,ended with the last adventure comic they appeared in.writers ran out of imagination and started the reboot crap and it just got worse and more confusing from there.
Well, if that's your position, I'm afraid you won't find much on this blog that you can agree with.
Pre-Crisis Mon-El and the most current Legion Mon-El are most likely meant to be one and the same, but Lo3W shot that down.
The “Valor” that appeared in the Valor series, having come to Earth to seek out his father after the invasion? That would most likely be... Eltro Gand!
Think about it. The same person cannot exist in the same place at the same time. There was Valor in normal space and Mon-El in the Zone at the same period of time, which isn’t possible.
So the solution is that when the Trapper kicked Eltro out of the “mind” of Mon-El in the 30th century, he kicked him into the 20th century, with his body that was emptied from when Eltro “revived” Mon-El in the Legion’s time.
The “Valor” that died during Zero Hour was really Eltro, and it was the real Mon-El (SW6 time slice version) that appeared out of the time stream during that time period.
A couple more thoughts regarding Mon-El:
His punch of the Time Trapper reset the time stream, right? And Superboy-Prime's wall punching ALSO reset certain aspects of the time stream, right?
So what if the two “punches” caused time waves that collided with each other?
And my last thought: Mon-El is said to be more powerful than Superman. Superboy-Prime is said to be more powerful than Superman.
So who’s more powerful, Mon-El or Superboy-Prime? I’d love to see a story of JUST those two facing off: An “unhinged from years in the Zone” Mon-El taking on an unhinged because I’m a brat” Superboy-Prime.
The Eltro Gand thing is actually pretty ingenious. I wonder if DC's even going to try to explain that whole thing, though.
Yes, FC:L3W blew a hole in my Mon-El theory. But I still want to know. Where did this other Mon-El come from?
Well, this should be a good headache for ya:
Original Legion Mon-El met Supes as a kid and was placed into the Zone.
Reboot Legion has Valor, who visited Earth as a youth after his father croaked after the Invasion. He died, and was replaced by a time-lost, time-slice SW6 Valor from the future, who was in turn placed into the Zone by Glorith.
The 3boot Legion had their own Mon-El that was trapped in the Zone. This one I know you're wondering about, since the "original" Legion is the one currently interacting with Supes, thus that Action Annual #10 Mon-El is the "original" Legion one.
However... to really mess ya up: Who was it that Kon-El put into the "Stasis"/Phantom Zone?
That makes for 4 Lar Gands that ended up in the Zone, yet only two can have their "history" traced: The Action Annual #10/Original Legion version, and the Check out Earth-Invasion/Time-lost version.
This leaves the 3boot and Kon-El versions unaccounted for.
I think it must have been Valor/M'Onel that Kon-El put into the Zone. Sure, it requires his history to be retconned a little, but other than that I don't see what other conclusion we can come to.
Johns has confirmed in a recent interview that the Mon-El that appeared recently in Action Comics is the Mon-El for the Legion he's been writing about, and not the Mon-El that the threeboot met.
Hold on, though: you seem to be saying that SW6 Valor is the same as reboot Valor. No. SW6 Valor is the same as original/5YL Valor; that was the whole point of 'End of an Era'.
That means that Zero Hour caused changes to Lar Gand's 20th-century history, of course; some of it remained in continuity and some didn't.
So we're left with two questions: if Action Comics has restored Mon-El's history to basically what it was for the original Legion, was there still a Valor, Seeder of Worlds, in this world? And, just where did threeboot Mon-El come from, and what was all that cryptic stuff he was saying to Supergirl all about?
You're correct in that the SW6 Valor was from the original/5yr Legion.
But the Valor I mentioned as the reboot used that same origin of visiting Earth after his father passed away, right? Then seeding the worlds? So this would be the one Kon-El/Superboy placed in the Zone then?
And Johns seems to be ignoring the 5yr/SW6 stuff, thus that never happened I guess.
So we're left with original "Meet Kal as a kid/placed in Zone" Mon-El, reboot "Visit Earth after father died/placed in Zone by Kon-El" Valor/M'Onel, and the mysterious 3boot Mon-El.
That's the way I figure it.
I should say, though, that the 5YL/SW6 stuff didn't exactly never happen; it happened in some kind of meta-past, but only the Time Trapper (and us!) remembers it now.
But there is still this problem: The SW6 Valor, having come from the original Legion time-line, still replaced a Valor that had come from a "Never met Superman as a kid/Came to Earth after father died/Invasion" time-line.
Darn. Can't edit an entry here.
I forgot to add in my post there that I think that's where the "Eltro Gand" thing comes into play that I had mentioned previously.
That part, the SW6 part of Valor's 20th century history, was, must have been, removed from DC continuity following Zero Hour.
Ever check out the famous Legion Help File by Chaim Mattis Keller? I'm sure that must be addressed in there.
But I agree with you that if DC wants to do some tinkering with that side of things, Eltro Gand may be a useful tool for them.
Monel can travel through time on his own power. Therefore everytime he goes exploring space when he comes back it is not necssarily contiguous. For example he leaves in 2105 travels tor 5 years comes back to 2111 then goes space exploring again in 2012 ans comes back to 2108. I am too tired to give an example that invOlves actual appearances. I am reading to relax not get aheadache. Seems like this could solve where the extra Monels come from.
To complicate things I remember sometimes when he couldn't fly through time unaided...
I suppose so, but is there any reason to think that that's actually what he was doing?
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