Saturday, January 04, 2025

The Legionnaires: the Walk-Ons

Entropy Kid; Radius Lad; X-Ray Girl. Created by Brian Michael Bendis and Ryan Sook.

Bendis and Sook's fourboot Legion of Super-Heroes had, among its qualities, a large cast of characters that left many characters underdefined. I can't guarantee that every well-established Legionnaire actually got a line of dialogue over the course of the series.

Among the characters who were shortchanged were three who did nothing more than show up in crowd scenes. There's nothing in the text of the comics that tells us anything about them, but there they were, and some information has leaked out anyway. (I remember there was all kinds of speculation about who the skeleton was in the green containment suit! "Could be Chemical King! Or Infectious Lass!") Here they are.

It seems that Ryan Sook did reveal something about their superpowers, at least. X-Ray Girl can make things transparent at a touch. Radius Lad can receive and utter any broadcast signal in the galaxy, and this can be more or less useful depending on the nature of the signal. And Entropy Kid can control the rate of decay of matter. So there you have it.

Will we ever get to see these Legionnaires in action? At the moment you'd have to say it's not likely. I don't mind them existing, though; my philosophy in these matters is 'more is better'. Especially since they're obviously nonhuman; there's been too little of that in Legion comics.

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Monday, July 08, 2024

New Book Review

 I reviewed Jean M. Twenge's Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents―and What They Mean for America's Future at my other site; please check it out if you are of a mind to.

Hey, wouldn't it be great if I wrote something about the Legion of Super-Heroes one of these days? It'll come.

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Sunday, April 28, 2024

Let It Not Be Said That I Remained Silent

(feel free to pass this around anywhere, if you find it of value)

They say that if you're wondering what you would have done in World War II, or in the Civil War, or in relation to the civil rights struggles of the 1960s, just look at what you're doing now. I'm looking, and I'm not satisfied. I'm not doing nothing, but I could be doing more, and I will try. But in the meantime, let me say what I believe, as starkly as possible, so as to leave no doubt about where I stand. Post your own somewhere! Your opinion is at least as noteworthy as mine.

Climate change will kill us all if we don't stop it. Lots of people are doing lots of things to help, and that's great. Governments and corporations are not doing enough, and many powerful individuals are using their considerable resources to prevent any efforts to save us. These individuals are the enemies of humanity.

Fossil fuels should be left in the ground. All of them. Starting now, or as close to now as possible. This will be tough for us, but this is an emergency and we'll figure out how to cope eventually.

Eat less beef. Ah, I miss it. But I'm told it makes a difference.

Most of our problems, we could eventually figure them out. The trouble is we're on the clock with climate change. We have to solve that now, and all this other stuff is getting in the way. So we have to fix everything now, urgently, and instead everything's getting worse. That's whatcha call "suboptimal".

Don't be mean. That's the main rule. If your beliefs work their way around to where you're telling yourself you have to be mean, they're wrong and you should change them. 

War may be the worst thing people can do, but you can't just let Putin have his way in Ukraine, because if you reward him for attacking Ukraine he'll understand correctly that he can just keep attacking countries.

We shouldn't have surrendered to Covid. We could have beaten it. Still, wear your masks, ventilate your rooms, and stay up to date on your vaccines, because it's still nasty and we can still save lives. Not to mention practice for the next pandemic!

A faction in Israel is trying to exterminate the Palestinians in Gaza. I don't care if they're Jewish or what; they're guilty of genocide and are the enemies of humanity. Some people are taking this opportunity to express anti-Semitism, which is not only a type of bigotry as bad as any other, but is also a good sign that the anti-Semite is evil in other ways, and, again, is an enemy of humanity.

There are students and other protestors speaking up for the Palestinians. I think they're great and I support them. Leave them alone.

Fascism is rising around the world and needs to be fought harder, by more people, and by what remains of our institutions. Those who kind of agree with this but who respond by nodding soberly and saying, "yes, but you don't understand, and what about, and...," and do nothing, are part of the problem. The fascists, and those who intentionally support them and their variants, the racists and misogynists and homophobes and transphobes and Christian dominionists, are enemies of humanity.

The fascists aren't quite in charge yet everywhere. But they're having an effect: they're turning up the level of fascism in our society. If you've ever had the reaction of, "well, the only option left to us in this situation is to get a gun. Revolution," that's a sign of fascism. They want people thinking like that, like people have to work things out with guns and no other way.

"Both sides" are not the same. Maybe at one time they were, but now one side is normal, with all the benefits and problems that implies, and the other side is rolling downhill into fascism and nihilism, and gaining speed. You don't have to like it that this is the case, but it's a problem if you don't accept it.

If, for whatever reason, you're on the side of the fascists, and you happen to be reading this, this paragraph is for you. I won't take up my time by trying to refute your beliefs or talking points; you're smart enough to do that yourself, if you want to. The information's out there. I'll just say this: you don't have to live like this. You don't have to keep hating everybody, you don't have to view the world as a bloody power struggle, you can find meaning for yourself not in the degradation of others. It's much nicer for you if you change your ways.

Conservatism is fake. It's hatred, greed, and the lust for power, wearing one overcoat made of high-minded rhetoric that nobody actually believes.

Borders are fake. Let immigrants in. They're people! You know, people?

Abolish the police. I'm not being as "extreme" as I could be by saying that; there are harsher verbs than "abolish".

Trans people are basically harmless (know how I know? Because if one was harmful, we would never have heard the end of it) and just want to be left alone. But, currently, they also need protection from their self-appointed enemies. Do what you can to help.

There are things that can be said in favour of both socialism and capitalism. There are also ways in which both can be abused. I have doubts that we will ever find an economic system that works perfectly for humans, but I think any system will do which preserves the ability of ordinary people to have control over their lives, and no system will do that does not.

Institutions are weak these days. Nothing good will happen unless individuals team up to make it happen; nothing bad will be prevented unless individuals team up to prevent it.

You are more than your job. You are more than your economic role. Luminous beings are we. The most important thing is that you exist and you can do what you want with that fact. Create, think, play, love, eat, swim. It's your life.

This "enemies of humanity" stuff may make me sound intolerant, to some. To which I say: Oh, right, I'm the problem.

The people I've described as "enemies of humanity" have earned the very worst treatment we can conceive for them, right up to torment and execution. But just because they deserve it doesn't mean we should do it. We don't deserve to be torturers or murderers; nobody does. We need to find a way to beat them without killing them, and to find a way to persuade--or, even better, convince--them to join us. If we as humans have jobs that we are responsible for just because we live, these are them.

We, as humans, have been too tolerant of our own evil for too long. We need to stop accepting it, or listening to it, or compromising with it, and start fighting it harder, and to win. I think "civilization" is more of a goal to be achieved than an existing status to be defended. Are we civilized now? Are we civil? Maybe someday we will be.

Honestly, everybody, we can do this. We can. But the golden future won't build itself. Help somebody today.

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Sunday, April 21, 2024

Listen to Me

 Sorry for not posting more. I don't mean to not post stuff here. But it's just so easy.

Anyway, I recently appeared on the Legion of Substitute Podcasters: Tomorrow's Heroes Today podcast, discussing issue #9 of the Threeboot. Give it a listen if you're of a mind to. This may not be the best link for it, but any podcatcher you use ought to be able to set you right if it doesn't work for you.

Take care!

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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Book Review: The Fourth Turning Is Here (Neil Howe)

 I reviewed Neil Howe's new book, The Fourth Turning Is Here, which is about generational cycles, history, and the kind of nonsense we're all currently trying to survive here, on my other website. Give it a look!

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